Sunday, November 5

Day 6 our last day in Paris for a while 😪

Today was an interesting day. Its our last day in Paris until our last day of the trip and we started our day by doing a lot of administrative duties. Its not fun but it has to be done!  So after getting done with that I went out to get us some pastries and sandwiches and goodies to eat only to find that our two favorite patisseries were closed! What a bummer!!  So I came back to our house and we decided to just get ready for the day, hungry. After we were ready we went out and stopped in the Jewish quarter and bought a new Mezuzah for our ice cream shop. It's beautiful and we're very excited about it!  It should bring us even more good luck we hope!!  After that we were still starving, so we walked and saw our favorite hotdog stand from last year Kraft Hot dogs!  It was just as amazing as we remembered if you come to Paris and are in the Marais and are tired of falafel go to Kraft Hot Dogs!  They do a fantastic job and are great guys!  After that we went to the Pompidou museum. We had to walk through the LGBTQ area to get there. Now those were two very interesting experiences!!  First, Emily found her new favorite bakery!  I will post a picture of how Emily has decided to make our croissants from now on!!  LOL As for the museum, it was the first Sunday of the month so every museum in town was free so the line was huge and it was very crowded. We, of course have our Paris Museum Pass so we got to cut to the front of the line, but it was still very crowded. We both love Modern Art and went to the area that spans from 1900 to 1960 and saw some really great stuff!  Some of it was not our taste but some of it was spectacular!  Lots of great Picassos, Kandinsky's, Chagall and Matisse, you get the idea. Then we went down one flight to the area from 1960 to the present. There is a big sign on the ground outside the museum that says What is Art?  I believe that art is anything that anybody considers art, so that could be anything!  But I will say a lot of what we saw on the fourth floor of the Pompidou may not be art! LOL Some really crazy stuff way beyond mine and Emily's interests but it's all part of the experience and we enjoy the journey!  After that we walked to a chocolate shop around the corner that is known as one of the best in Paris. They had savory Kouign Amman!!!  HELLO!!!!  MIND BLOWN!!!!  I never would've dreamed of that in a million years!  We bought a Parmesan cheese Kouign Amman.  It was really good. Emily really loved it!!  Of course I'm the sweet eater Emily is the savory person that's why we work so well together. ❤️ I'm a very lucky man!!!  😃 After that, since we have to pack tonight and leave early tomorrow morning we went back to the Tapas place right around the corner from us. It was just as good as it was the first time and it made for a nice easy meal for our last night.  VERY good, another highly recommended restaurant for anybody who comes to Paris. We made it home by 8:30 and are about to do laundry and pack and then tomorrow we take the train to Strasbourg. We are very excited!  We have never been to the Alsace region of France so we're not sure what to expect, but we will make sure we take you along on the journey with us!  Thanks for following our continuing adventures. We will talk to you tomorrow. Signing off for the night, Emily and Brian. 

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